【氟奋乃静fluphenazine 简述】
【氟奋乃静fluphenazine 适应症】
本品用于抗精神病作用比奋乃静强,且较久,镇静、降低 血压作用微弱,但锥体外系反应比奋乃静更多见,用于妄想、紧张型 精神分裂症。
【氟奋乃静fluphenazine 规格】
【氟奋乃静fluphenazine 服用方法】
【氟奋乃静fluphenazine 注意事项】
1 本品与乙醇或中枢神经抑制药,尤其是与吸入全麻药或巴比妥类等静脉全麻药合用时,可彼此增效。
2 本品与苯丙胺类药合用时,由于吩噻嗪类药具有α肾上腺素受体阻断作用,后者的效应可减弱。
3 本品与制酸药或止泻药合用,可降低口服吸收。
4 本品与抗惊厥药合用,不能使抗惊厥药增效。
5 本品与抗胆碱药合用,效应彼此加强。
6 本品与肾上腺素合用, 肾上腺素的α受体效应受阻,仅显示出β受体效应,可导致明显的 低血压和心动过速。
7 本品与胍乙啶类药物合用时,后者的降压效应可被抵消。
8 本品与左旋多巴合用时,后者可抑制前者的抗震颤 麻痹效应。
9 本品与单胺氧化酶抑制药或三环类抗抑郁药合用时,两者的抗胆碱作用可相互增强并延长。
【氟奋乃静fluphenazine 不良反应】
1 主要有锥体外系反应,如:震颤、僵直、流涎、运动迟缓、静坐不能、急性肌张力障碍等。长期大量服药可引起迟发性运动障碍。
2 可引起血浆中泌乳素浓度增加,可能有关的症状为:溢乳、男子女性化乳房、 月经失调、闭经。可出现口干、视物模糊、乏力、 头晕、心动过速、 便秘、出汗等。
3 少见的不良反应有体位性 低血压,粒细胞减少症与中毒性 肝损害。偶见过敏性皮疹及 恶性综合征。
Fluphenazine, sold under the brand names Prolixin among others, is an antipsychotic medication.[1] It is used in the treatment of chronic psychoses such as schizophrenia,[1][2] and appears to be about equal in effectiveness to low-potency antipsychotics like chlorpromazine.[3] It is given by mouth, injection into a muscle, or just under the skin.[1] There is also a long acting injectable version that may last for up to four weeks.[1] Fluphenazine decanoate, the depot injection form of fluphenazine, should not be used by people with severe depression.[4]
Common side effects include movement problems, sleepiness, depression and increased weight.[1] Serious side effects may include neuroleptic malignant syndrome, low white blood cell levels, and the potentially permanent movement disorder tardive dyskinesia.[1] In older people with psychosis as a result of dementia it may increase the risk of dying.[1] It may also increase prolactin levels which may result in milk production, enlarged breasts in males, impotence, and the absence of menstrual periods.[1] It is unclear if it is safe for use in pregnancy.[1] Fluphenazine is a typical antipsychotic of the phenothiazine class.[1]Its mechanism of action is not entirely clear but believed to be related to its ability to block dopamine receptors.[1] In up to 40% of those on long term phenothiazines, liver function tests become mildly abnormal.[5]
Fluphenazine came into use in 1959.[6] The injectable form is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system.[7] It is available as a generic medication.[1] In the United States the tablets costs between $0.22 and $0.42 per day for a typical dose.[1] The wholesale cost in the developing world of the long acting form is between US$0.20 and US$6.20 per injection as of 2014.[8] It was discontinued in Australia around mid 2017.[9]